HomeFinlandOuraring Closes €5M Series A Funding

Ouraring Closes €5M Series A Funding


oura-ringbox-3-HROuraring, an Oulu, Finland-based health technology company, closed a €5M ($5.3M) Series A funding round.

Over 75% of the capital came from US investors. Jaan Tallinn, a founding engineer of Skype and Kazaa, a co-founder of the Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk and the Future of Life Institute is an investor in the company.

Founded in 2013 by Petteri Lahtela, CEO, Ouraring is the developer of a wellness ring and corresponding app, called ŌURA, which uses the data it collects alongside science and technological capabilities to allow people to understand how their body responds to their daily choices.
It currently has users located in over 50 countries with about two-thirds caming from the US. In addition to individual users, several universities, research organizations, sleep clinics, and companies are already utilizing the data the app provides.

The company also has offices in Helsinki, San Francisco (CA), Boulder (CO) and New York City.

