HomeStart UpConference in Sofia Will Set the Standard for SME Support in Europe

Conference in Sofia Will Set the Standard for SME Support in Europe


A conference to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria on 30th October 2009 will focus on the creation of a new Business Advice and Support International Standard (BASIS) developed in the contest of the “Odessa” project funded by EU’s Grundtvig programme (Lifelong Learning Programme).

The aim of the Odessa project is to improve the performance of SMEs by encouraging greater participation in training by SME managers and therefore analyse the training, business advice and services provided to SMEs in six partner countries (Bulgaria, Spain, Slovak Republic, the UK, the UAE and Switzerland) and develop a quality framework and quality assurance process to cover them.

At the conference, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the development of BASIS and networking with other business support organisations.

The programme includes:
– Keynote speech regarding the critical role of SMEs within the European Union
– Keynote speech regarding SMEs in a rapidly growing economy
– The role of quality standards in developing and certifying SME support agencies
– Presentation of the BASIS quality standard
– National implementation of the BASIS quality standard
– Experiences of piloting the BASIS standard in local centres, and presentation of BASIS certificates

For full details, visit the conference’s website

