HomeFranceCrédit Agricole Private Equity endorses UN Principles for Responsible Investment

Crédit Agricole Private Equity endorses UN Principles for Responsible Investment


Crédit Agricole Private Equity has decided to reinforce its commitment to sustainable development by endorsing the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
The PRI were launched in 2006 by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEPFI) with the aim to integrate environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) considerations into the investment decisions and ownership practices applied by institutional investors.
According to the PRI Report on Progress 2009, over 600 finance industry professionals with $18bn of investments under management have become signatories to these principles.
By endorsing these principles, Crédit Agricole Private Equity undertakes to:
– Integrate ESG considerations into its investment analysis and decision-making processes.
– Take ESG issues into consideration in its policies and practices as a shareholder.
– Ask the companies in which Crédit Agricole Private Equity invests to publish appropriate information on ESG issues.
– Promote acceptance and application of the principles asset managers.
– Work collectively to enhance our effectiveness in applying the Principles.
– Report separately on its activities and its progress in applying the Principles.

Commenting on the endorsment of the PRI, Fabien Prévost, Chairman of Crédit Agricole Private Equity’s Management Board, said: “We want to meet the expectations of the most exacting investors and to incorporate ESG considerations into our management.
“By encouraging the companies in which we invest to abide by these principles, we are fully playing our role as an involved shareholder by helping them on the path to sustainable growth”.