HomeGermanyNext Kraftwerke Receives Investment

Next Kraftwerke Receives Investment


Next Kraftwerke GmbH, a Cologne, Germany-based technology start up which specialises in the marketing of microgeneration plant on the electrical power market, has received an equity financing of undisclosed amount.
The investment was made by High-Tech Gründerfonds, Neuhaus Partners, and other business angels.
Next, which integrates emergency power generators, cogeneration units and biogas plants by means of intelligent networking on what is known as the minute reserve market, is based on scientific work at the University of Cologne’s Institute of Energy Economics. There, the founders developed the idea for setting up a virtual power plant.
In conjunction with partners experienced in this market, the company covers the entire spectrum of services from modifying and linking microgeneration plant through to electricity trading and operations management. Pooling such plants makes unused resources available to the electricity market.