HomefundingiGuiders Closed Series A Round of Financing Totalling $1M

iGuiders Closed Series A Round of Financing Totalling $1M


iGuiders, Inc., a Cleveland, OH-based company, has closed its Series A round of financing it began in March, 2010, with a total investment of $1m.
Funding was provided by existing shareholders and new angel investors.
The company will use the capital to further expand sales, marketing and customer support initiatives for its software called GuidersĀ®, which helps web visitors through the process of purchasing decisions and retailers, online publishers, manufacturers, resellers, and content providers who want to boost sales.
Using a guided decision platform composed of series of questions and answers created by experts, Guiders help people identify what they want online and make decisions. Visitors can find Guiders through search engine results, on individual web sites, for example, of large online retailers, distributors, content publishers, or through accessing the Guider network.