HomefundingConWeaver Receives Investment from High-Tech Gründerfonds

ConWeaver Receives Investment from High-Tech Gründerfonds


ConWeaver GmbH, a Darmstadt, Germany-based developer and provider of software for the automatic integration of corporate data and intelligent semantic and multilingual searches, has received an investment of undisclosed amount from High-Tech Gründerfonds
Markus Kressmann, Senior Investment Manager at High-Tech Gründerfonds, explained the reasons behind the investment as follows: “ConWeaver has developed a profound and complex technology, into which more than 45 man-years of development have been invested so far. 
“This innovative technology has great potential on the growing enterprise search market”, he added.
A spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Graphic Data Processing (IGD), ConWeaver has developed a semantic search function that intelligently links up company-wide business data with a knowledge network. 
The system automatically integrates structured and unstructured client data, which in most cases are spread across a variety of storage media, into a multilingual semantic knowledge network. 
This process creates links between people, departments, publications, products and projects, which can then be mapped within the knowledge network. 
Through these connections the ConWeaver software then enables an exploration of the data that goes beyond their mere information content. The results are subsequently processed in detail in a search template and then displayed in categories. 
Cross-references to other related subjects can be created, and searches can be expanded or narrowed in each individual case. 
The system assists the user with navigation and search aids. Contents from relevant external internet sources can be also incorporated into the network.