Homefundingzahnarztzentrum.ch Receives €15m Equity Investment from G Square

zahnarztzentrum.ch Receives €15m Equity Investment from G Square


zahnarztzentrum.ch, a provider of dental services in German-speaking Switzerland, has received a €15m equity investment from G Square.
The company, which  currently operates 10 dental service centres under its own brand, employs a staff of 220 and expects to generate sales around € 28m in 2010.
zahnarztzentrum.ch’s founders and main shareholders, Dr. Sara Hürlimann and Christoph Hürlimann, will continue managing and developing the company. Together with G Square, they plan to expand the business within Switzerland and deploy it in other European countries.
Commenting on the deal, Christoph Hürlimann, said: “We are happy to welcome G Square as an investor. Their deep expertise in the healthcare sector and their experience as professional shareholders will provide great support to our strategy”.
“The pan-European experience of G Square, within a complex and diversified regulatory environment, is very attractive to us in our development plan outside Switzerland“. Sara Hürlimann added.