HomeRussiaMetabar Raises $1M from Runa Capital

Metabar Raises $1M from Runa Capital


Metabar, a Russian free platform that automates the process of creating browser-based applications, has raised $1m in seed funding from Runa Capital.
The platform is specifically designed to help increase web traffic and brand loyalty for Russian-based internet sites. It no requires programming or development skills and allows website owners to quickly create a browser-based application, add content from the site including news, instant notifications or even games, and start promoting it to their users.
Led by CEO Michael Ushakov, Metabar has been open for beta-testing since Autumn 2010 and has been downloaded by tens of thousands of users, according to a written statement.
Partners include, among hundreds of Russian web-sites, some popular brands such as Vedomosti.ru, KP.ru and Kupivip.ru.