Private equity firm NiXEN has signed an LBO to acquire a controlling stake in French Babeau Seguin, a builder of single-family detached homes in northeastern France.
Conducted by NiXEN, this transaction is structured around management, which is making a substantial re-investment alongside existing financial partners Siparex, CM-CIC, Carvest and Somfy Participations. In addition, Pechel and Avenir Entreprises will also support the company and Idinvest is participating as a mezzanine financier.
The investment, which is still subject to the approval of the French competition authorities, is expected to help the company to open new sales branches and make new acquisitions in order to enhance its local and regional market coverage.
Created in 1982 by Chairman Bruno Babeau, the Babeau Seguin Group has a diversified product line of single family, affordable and environmentally friendly houses. It currently covers some 10 regions in France, with more than 50 sales branches and 250 employees and has revenues of more than €100m.