Home3D printingMixed Dimensions Raises $1M

Mixed Dimensions Raises $1M


mxd3dMixed Dimensions, Inc., an Amman, Jordan-based provider of a browser-based 3D design tool, raised little under $1m in seed funding.

Backers included venture funds and angels in the USA, Europe and Middle-East, including the Badia Impact Fund and Ecosystem Ventures, along with the Alchemist Accelerator, which incubated the company in 2013.

The company, which has just launched in private beta, provides an End-to-End solution for all users to create or edit 3D content with a design software. A marketplace allows users to share, buy, sell and print 3D models, either locally on their own printers or through 3D printing services companies such as Shapeways, Sculpteo and iMaterlize which have been integrated with the tools.

Led by CTO Baha Abu Nojaim and CEO Muhannad Taslaq, MXD3D also provides enterprises and businesses with the ability to embed the tools in their websites and enable their customers to personalize and print products immediately from their website.

