Homefundingembraase Raises Six-Digit Funding

embraase Raises Six-Digit Funding


embraaseMbaas Development GmbH, the Berlin, Germany-based company behind embraase, an A/B testing and personalization platform for mobile apps, raised a six-digit funding.

The exact amount of the deal was not disclosed.

Backers included High-Tech Gruenderfonds (HTGF) and Axel Springer.

The company intends to use the funds for further product development and distribution setup.

Co-founded by Christian Stanke, CEO, and Steffen Roemer, CTO, embraase allows app developers and product managers to analyze their users’ behaviour and optimize their apps accordingly in real-time for different user segments.
With embraase, native app elements can be exchanged and adapted without re-submitting the app. All graphic and UI elements such as backgrounds, colours, texts etc. up to entire menu flows can be optimized and re-adapted.
The solution also permits the selective activation and deactivation of whole features.

The Software-as-a-Service solution is currently in closed beta with selected Berlin-based startups.

The startup was part of the 2nd batch of Axel Springer Plug&Play Accelerators.