TrademarkNow, a Helsinki, Finland-based automated trademark search and risk analysis company, closed a $3.5m Series A funding round.
The round was led by Balderton Capital.
The company intends to use the funds to build the team as well as to strengthen its presence globally with a focus on building registry coverage.
Led by CEO Mikael Kolehmainen, a former trademark lawyer, TrademarkNow provides businesses with a comprehensive web-based system for intelligent trademark management, which is built on an artificial intelligence model of trademark law. It is used by companies to assess the risk of confusion of new names or brands with existing trademarks and to determine the likelihood of successful trademark applications.
Launched in March 2013, over 5,000 unique trademarks have been cleared by customers, including brand agencies.
The platform currently searches 16 trademark registries across the world including the US, the European Union and most northern and western European countries. By the end of 2014, TrademarkNow will cover the registries in all European Union member states as well as up to 10 further major territories.
The company employs nine staff and is headquartered in Helsinki.