All3DP GmbH, a Munich, Germany-based startup that provides consumers and small business users with guidance, practical information, tips and a curated marketplace of 3D printable designs, received an investment of undisclosed amount.
High-Tech Gruenderfonds (HTGF) and four other angel investors made the investment.
Co-founded in May 2014 by Mathias Plica, CEO, Stefan Schwarz-Ulrich and Anatol Locker, All3DP operates a consumer-oriented website that provides editorial coverage on topics related to 3D printing and offers an online marketplace for tested 3D printable designs.
MUNICH / BONN – 02.12.2014
Fast-growing 3D printing consumer market emerging: High-Tech Gruenderfonds (HTGF) invests in All3DP GmbH
The Munich-based tech company All3DP GmbH is closing the gap between consumers and the 3D printing cosmos. All3DP’s consumer-oriented website provides extensive editorial coverage on topics related to 3D printing and offers an online marketplace for tested 3D printable designs. In order to establish the first mover and future global player in the market, High-Tech Gruenderfonds is funding the new startup company.
3D printing will be one of the key technologies in the coming decades – analysts are forecasting strong growth. This view is shared by High-Tech Gruenderfonds, which, together with four other angel investors is investing in All3DP GmbH, a startup company located in Munich, Germany. All3DP’s mission is to be the number one point of contact for consumers and small businesses interested in 3D printing. To this end, All3DP publishes user-oriented editorial content on its website in English and also offers an online marketplace for 3D printable objects. Marvin D. Andrä, Investment Manager at High-Tech Gruenderfonds, is pleased with their new investment, “3D printing technology has a tremendous disruptive potential. We are convinced that, with the three very experienced founders of the company, we are establishing a global player and thereby contributing to developing a sustainable market.”
“Typically when people hear about 3D printing, they immediately think of plastic objects made on a home 3D printer,” says Mathias Plica, who is Co-Founder and CEO of All3DP. “Most consumers are unaware of the fact that you can also 3D print objects in high quality materials such as steel, gold, ceramic or titanium.” Plica adds that you don’t necessarily have to own a printer to obtain a 3D printed product that you have had your eyes on. At a reasonable price you can purchase individual items online from a professional 3D printing service provider.
In order for a 3D printer to be able to create an object, it needs a digital “blueprint.” A wealth of these design files will become available on the online marketplace at in the coming months. “The existing online marketplaces for 3D designs are all too often confusing or the design files have not been curated. A lot can go wrong as a result. All3DP, on the other hand, checks the design files before they are made available to customers for ordering 3D printed objects from a printing service provider,” explains Stefan Schwarz-Ulrich, Co-Founder and Mathematician.
Co-Founder and Journalist Anatol Locker is responsible for website content and traffic. Locker is in the process of creating relevant English-language editorial content that attracts users around the world. “The developments in the 3D printing market are changing so rapidly that there is exciting news to report on every single day. We aim to build on the momentum of the atmosphere of change in the 3D printing industry and fuel it as well.” Locker, who is a tech journalist, further explains that the website is primarily geared towards information that is helpful to users. “We have the expertise to address not only 3D professionals but also the general public – and we intend to make good use of that advantage.”
About All3DP GmbH
The English-language platform on provides consumers and small business users with guidance and practical information and tips as well as a curated marketplace of 3D printable designs. The company was established in May 2014.
Press contact:
All3DP GmbH
Mathias Plica
Kaltenbrunner Strasse 17
81477 München
Tel: +49 177 2134 906
About High-Tech Gruenderfonds
High-Tech Gruenderfonds invests in young, high potential high-tech start-ups. The seed financing provided is designed to enable start-ups to take an idea through prototyping and to market launch. Typically, High-Tech Gruenderfonds invests EUR 500,000 in the seed stage, with the potential for up to a total of EUR 2 million per portfolio company in follow-on financing. Investors in this public/private partnership include the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, the KfW Banking Group, as well as strategic corporate investors including ALTANA, BASF, Bayer, B. Braun, Robert Bosch, CEWE, Daimler, Deutsche Post DHL, Deutsche Telekom, Evonik, Lanxess, media + more venture Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG, METRO, Qiagen, RWE Innogy, SAP, Tengelmann and Carl Zeiss. High-Tech Gruenderfonds has about EUR 576 million under management in two funds (EUR 272 million HTGF I, EUR 304 million HTGF II).
Contact information:
High-Tech Gruenderfonds Management GmbH
Marvin D. Andrae
Schlegelstraße 2
53113 Bonn
Tel: +49 (228) 823 001-53
Fax: +49 (228) 823 000-50