HomeItalyFondo Italiano d'Investimento Invests in Four Venture Capital Funds

Fondo Italiano d’Investimento Invests in Four Venture Capital Funds


fondo-italiano-d-investimento-logoThe venture capital fund of funds led by Fondo Italiano d’Investimento on behalf of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, has officially launched.

The board of directors approved the first investments in four vc funds for a total amount of €50m.

The backed funds were:
– Caravella, launched in partnership with the European Investment Fund.
– Stark Ventures One,
– Primomiglio, and
– Innogest Capital II.

Last month, in the framework of a different initiative, Fondo Italiano d’Investimento had approved 10 investments in private debt funds, totally amounting to €250m.
Backed debt funds included Antares AZ1, managed by Futurimpresa SGR; Anthilia “BIT”, managed by Anthilia SGR; Dimensione Tre, managed by Soprarno SGR;
Equita Private Debt Fund, managed by Lemanik Asset Managment and Equita SIM; Fondo di Debito per lo Sviluppo Industriale, managed by Private Equity Partners SGR; Impresa Italia, managed by Riello Investimenti Partners SGR; Italian Hybrid Capital Fund RiverRock, managed by RiverRock European Capital Partners; Italian Private Debt Fund, managed by Muzinich & Co.; Ver Capital Credit Partner Italia V, managed by Ver Capital SGR and Wise Private Debt, managed by Wise SGR.

