According to a filing with the SEC, San Francisco-based venture capital firm Obvious Ventures closed its maiden fund at $77.7m.
Co-founded by Ev Williams, a co-founder of Twitter, James Joaqin, and Vishal Vasishth, Obvious Ventures was officially launched in December 2014 (read here). It typically invests within Sustainable Systems, People Power, and Healthy Living categories.
The portfolio includes, Flux, Loup, MagicLeap, BeyondMeat, Breezeworks, Workpop, Zepayroll, Miyoko’s Kitchen and Olly.
Advisors include:
– Andrew Shapiro
– Biz Stone
– Dean Kamen
– Dean Ornish, MD
– Ido Leffler
– Jason Goldman
– Leonardo DiCaprio
– Lyn Lear
– Marco Krapels
– Warner Philips, and
– Zem Joaquin