Nintex, a provider of a workflow automation platform, acquired Drawloop Technologies, Inc., an Irvine, Calif.-based provider of a solution to automate and standardize businesses’ document generation processes.
The amount of the deal was not disclosed.
Nintex will leverage Drawloop’s platform to further its ability to provide customers and partners worldwide with solutions to transform document generation and business processes with technologies that ensure workflows run in the cloud and hybrid environments, and between platforms like Office 365, Sharepoint and Salesforce.
Drawloop’s LOOP Document Services solution utilizes existing structured and unstructured data to deliver the most commonly used sales and service documents, like Word, Excel, PowerPoint or PDF, and merges them with Salesforce data.
Led by Co-Founder and CEO Todd Mezrah, Drawloop will expand its office in Irvine as its employees and operations integrate with the Nintex teams based in Bellevue, Wash., and Melbourne, Australia. Nintex will accelerate investments in the Drawloop platform to benefit Drawloop’s customer base, which includes companies such as 3M, DocuSign, DuPont, LinkedIn, JetBlue Airways, Medtronic, and Yamaha.
The company’s newly combined development team will immediately begin working to integrate Nintex’s platform, which includes Nintex Workflow, Nintex Mobile, and Nintex Forms for SharePoint and Office 365, with Drawloop’s automated document generation capabilities. These combined offerings will be made available to SharePoint, Office 365, and Salesforce users in the future.
Led by CEO John Burton, Nintex is a portfolio company of TA Associates and Updata Partners.