HomeUSASayer Launches with $1.1M in Seed Funding

Sayer Launches with $1.1M in Seed Funding


sayer app logoSayer, a Los Angeles, CA-based social platform, launched with $1.1m in seed funding.

The company used the funds to build the Sayer platform and team.

Founded in 2015 by Stanford alumnus and product designer Patrick Davis, Sayer has just launched its iOS crowdsourced opinions and predictions platform. The app allows users to create a question, called “Sooth”, in either the form of a poll or a prediction.
A Sooth can cover a limitless array of subjects and interests, and can include a link to external content such as an article or video. It is then published for the community to weigh in on. It appears in a feed for anyone who follows the creator, and may also appear in a “trending” feed if it receives a significant number of responses.
Users can directly challenge their friends to answer Sooths via SMS or through Facebook, Twitter, and other social channels.
When users share their opinion or prediction on a Sooth, the responses from the other participants are revealed.
Users can search for Sooths based on categories or tags to discover what other people think about topics they are interested in.

Participants are notified when the final results of a Sooth become available. Users earn points when they get a prediction right, and can access Sooth history on their profile.

