Atlantic Bridge, a global growth equity firm focused on technology investments, launched a new €60m fund to back Irish early stage companies with global potential.
Initiated in a joint leadership collaboration between UCD and Trinity, the fund will accelerate the commercialization of research generated at Trinity College Dublin (Trinity), University College Dublin (UCD) and all third level research institutions by providing capital and expertise for scaling companies into the US and Chinese markets, etc.
Backed by the European Investment Fund and Enterprise Ireland, as well AIB and Bank of Ireland, who are already strong supporters of UCD, Trinity and UCD, the vehicle will support spinouts and startups focusing on software, hardware, engineering, physical sciences, life sciences and agri-food.
Based in NYC, London and Dublin, Atlantic Bridge leverages an international “bridge model” to scale companies into global markets, including the US and China. The firm has over €500 million of assets already under management, with 28 companies in its funds’ portfolio and 13 realizations, delivering proceeds of over €1.7 billion.