In a dedicated post provoking entitled “F*CK TRUMP”, the team of Charles River Ventures, a 46-year-old venture capital firm based in Cambridge, MA and Menlo Park, CA, and New York City, has taken their own “united and unanimous” position against Donald Trump, rejecting his candidacy for President of the United States.
Immigration results to be the the main reason behind the rejection.
According to the post, “Entrepreneurship begins and ends with a powerful immigrant spirit. It is about knocking down walls, moving people toward a common goal, and creating the unthinkable from scratch with small odds of winning. That is what makes the U.S. great and what drives meaningful innovation and change“.
For this, the CRV Partnership, which includes proud immigrants coming from 7 countries and speaking 8 different languages, considers Donald Trump’s anti-immigration statements as diametrically opposed to the core values of entrepreneurship.
Founded in 1970, CRV has approximately $1.5 billion under management, has backed more than 400 companies, 73 of which have gone public. About 50% of the teams CRV backs are immigrants, who have come to the U.S. to create tens of thousands of jobs in the United States.
In order to give support, CRV will start covering the costs for U.S. visas for any CRV company founders ([email protected]) and has created a CRV Fellowship Program to provide funding, support and office space for immigrant entrepreneurs.
The leadership team of CRV includes Izhar Armony, Jon Auerbach, Murat Bicer, Rafael Corrales, Danny Crichton, Max Gazor, Saar Gur, Annie Kadavy, Bruce Sachs, Devdutt Yellurkar and George Zachary.