HomeUSAManchesterStory Launches Fintech, Healthcare & Insurtech Venture Capital Firm

ManchesterStory Launches Fintech, Healthcare & Insurtech Venture Capital Firm


manchesterstoryA new venture capital firm has been launched in Des Moines, IA.

According to a regulatory form filed with the SEC, the firm is seeking $125m, which can be increased to $200m, hand has raised $31m to date.

Founded by Matt Kinley, an active investor in Healthcare & FinTech with a twenty-two year experience, and Dave Miles, a thirty-year insurance investment veteran, and backed by a consortium of insurance companies from across the country, ManchesterStory Group targets early to growth-stage investments in FinTech and Healthcare, with a particular focus on innovative technologies across the insurance industry.

In FinTech, areas of interest include lending (peer-to-peer, B2B, underwriting algorithms), institutional & capital markets (alternative trading systems, financial analysis), personal finance & wealth management, money transfer, crowdfunding and block chain.
In Healthcare, areas of interest include telehealth services (providing new services or more efficiently serving specific patient populations), personalized medicine (using patient diagnostic & response data to tailor treatments), addressing workforce challenges (monitoring chronic patients, providing better and more efficient care, and handling ever more complex tasks), and the application of data analytics to build new product and service models.
In InsurTech, areas of interest include customer engagement, core systems, home automation, telematics, “big data” customer analytics, cybersecurity, IoT, regulatory technology, digital distribution, underwriting, and claims processing.

The firm is actively seeking investment opportunities across the U.S.

