HomeUSAEdgeMicro Completes $3M Seed Funding

EdgeMicro Completes $3M Seed Funding


EdgeMicro, a Centreville, VA-based provider of solutions for deploying micro data centers, completed a $3m seed funding.

Backers remained undisclosed.

The company intends to use the funds to expand operations and its business reach.

Led by Mike Hagan, CEO, EdgeMicro has created a model to deploy hundreds of micro datacenters at towers and other locations including: metro fiber splice junctions, empty COs, rooftops, parking lots, etc. The uncoupling of the solution from any single real estate source, location or vendor allows for diversity of network access.
In addition to securing funding, the company has added three full-time executives to its team, including Josh Snowhorn (Chief Strategy Officer), Anton Kapela (CTO) and Loren Zweig (VP of Operations).

