HomeSpainKryptobits Exchange Aims to Revolutionize How the Public Trades in Cryptocurrencies

Kryptobits Exchange Aims to Revolutionize How the Public Trades in Cryptocurrencies


The Kryptobits Exchange is happy to announce the development of its upcoming cryptocurrency exchange that wants to reshape how the public deal in crypto.

This far, the existing cryptocurrency exchanges have been rigid with only a few allowing the interoperability between crypto coins and fiat currency.

The last decade has seen the invention and rise of cryptocurrencies with the said coins almost gaining mass adoption now. The excitement that greeted the arrival of Bitcoin nearly ten years ago now mirror the buzz created by the many ICOs that are raising millions of dollars to fund start-up FinTech ventures.
These developments highlighted here have created a need for secure cryptocurrency transactions. Also, while most online ventures have tried to introduce some level of ease, only the Kryptobits Exchange has proposed an essential tool.

About the Kryptobits Exchange

The Kryptobits Exchange is a pioneer new generation cryptocurrency marketplace that will allow the public to derive more gains from the heightened performance of their cryptocurrency holdings in an environment that is safe and user-friendly.

Kryptobits is the premier Blockchain Banking facility on Internet 3.0. Primarily, it offers users a chance to access banking services out of the bank setting. It provides new financial services in the Blockchain space in a faster, cheaper and easier way.
Users shall be able to send and receive third-party payments in either cryptocurrency or fiat currencies in an environment driven by artificial intelligence.

Also, the firm is now conducting an ICO intended at giving access to members of the public to participate in this revolutionary idea. Now, the user is able to operate as he does in a traditional bank using credit cards, loans, transfers, and such related services, while enjoying the benefits of the cryptocurrency market, all from the same platform.

The core development team that wants to bring the Kryptobits Exchange to life is headed by Leonardo Montburn, a seasoned player in the private equity and blockchain spaces. Together with him is a team of 23 talented practitioners in the cryptocurrency environment, including two that are also part of the innovative CryptoSolarTech decentralized mining project.

Also on board are six seasoned blockchain, marketing and security advisors that are on hand to ensure the firm’s core team delivers on its mandate.

The Premise of Kryptobits, Perceived Problems, and Solutions

While Cryptocurrencies are moving toward mass adoption, their transaction is anything but fluid. This lack of fluidity and the evident illiquidity are a few of the facts that are hindering mass adoptions just yet.

Providing a crypto exchange that offers secure conversion transactions within a safe environment is a massive step towards enhancing convenience. Ease of use, however, isn’t all that the Kryptobits Exchange is aiming at. The platform will combine 2FA mechanisms with cold wallets, as well as other high technology security features to prioritize use data and security of the users’ deposit.

The program shall also enable users to withdraw funds directly into their credit cards or IBAN accounts. Moreover, the platform shall incorporate advanced charts that help users to track the value of their coins and trade accordingly.

An Overview of the Kryptobits Platform

The Kryptobits Exchange shall provide these highlighted cutting-edge solutions using its novel exchange, and supported by Kryptobits token (KBE). KBE is the critical asset of the platform. The platform shall also make the most of KartoCoin and KartoSteps, the native exchange currency and gas of the platform, respectively.

ICO Details

Before buying KBE tokens in the ICO phase, it is important that you know the advantages derived from buying these tokens during the mentioned sale period.
Firstly, KBE token holder that buy in the ICO phase get an automatic discount on Exchange fees, the percentage of which will depend on the number of tokens bought.
– Secondly, you will get free KartoCoins, the main currency of the Exchange, to access all the benefits of Blockchain Banking such as loans, FIAT transfers, Airdrop, to mention just a few.
– Also, Kryptobits believes in its project and assures you of a repurchase of your tokens by the parity fixed in their Whitepaper (€ 0.10) after 12 months since the development of the Exchange.1

The Kryptobits platform Pre-ICO is ongoing and forms part of the three-stage public sale campaign. In all, some 1.802 million tokens are available with 1.442 billion of these available to the public during the public offering. The entire public offering exercise shall take place until August 24, 2018.
More information about the platform and the token sale is available on the official website and on this one-page document. One can also join the Telegram community to discuss in details.