Calgary, Canada-based logistcs platform Routeique acquired sdmg, a company specializing in digital solutions for major retailers.
The funding for the acquisition was provided by Lancaster Investments of Madison, Wisconsin. The amount of the deal was not disclosed.
The combination of the two companies will add retailer platform solutions to the digital supply chain solutions Routeique provides for manufacturers and distribution firms. Given Routeique’s traction with international manufacturers, distribution firms and the retailers they supply, this acquisition will bolster the company’s ability to service supply chain customers from end-to-end. The two companies will focus on providing enhanced inventory management throughout the supply chain, as well as adding real-time payment, clearing and settlement services.
Led by Mike Allan, President, Routeique offers a complete logistics platform for supply chains, including end-to-end order management, inventory and warehouse management, mobile invoicing and settlement, route optimization and planning, signature capture and proof of delivery.
The company works across all areas of the supply chain space from manufacturers to distributors to retailers.
A 15-year-old company, sdmg has amassed a virtual who’s who of customers in the retail space, including HBC, Best Buy, Canadian Tire, Lord and Taylor, Saks, Sears, Sports Chek, and a host of others.