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Skin Care Is the Next Big Moneymaking Opportunity in The Direct Marketing World


Online marketing has definitely revolutionized the way that small businesses reach out to their customers.

But there is one area of the industry that seems to do very well when it sticks to the direct marketing technique, and that’s the skin care industry. There is something about the effect that a convincing salesperson can have on people who are either actively seeking out these products or at least have an open mind towards it. Perhaps that’s because skin care products are hard to judge based on just a picture on a website, where you have no idea how it feels or looks when applied. That is why many direct marketers in the skincare business do very well with group activities or one-on-one sales pitches to their clients. Many of these businesses are extremely lucrative, making for excellent opportunities for private equity firms who can get in on the ground floor.

That said, all skin care companies aren’t guaranteed to be successful. There must be a combination of elements in place that will entice customers and bring back profit to the company and its investors. One of the finest examples of these skin care companies, Acti Labs Makeup which you can check out here, has proven that the direct marketing approach works. Still, one success doesn’t mean that everybody else in the market will be able to coast towards Easy Street. Private equity firms looking to back companies that provide cosmeceutical care and treatments should be on the lookout for these qualities.

1. Sharp Focus

If you see a skin care company that offers products for just about everything under the sun related to anti-aging or wellness, that can be problematic. It can dilute whatever brand they are attempting to establish. It is better if these companies focus on either one area of skin care or at least a common approach to whatever it they are hoping to treat.

2. Excellent Sales

In the world of direct marketing, a company can’t expect to go very far without salespeople that can perform. And it is by no means an easy task to walk up to people who are sometimes strangers and pitch them on products. But it is necessary. The sales staff at The Acti Labs Foundation are a big reason why that organization has stepped to the forefront of this ever-expanding market.

3. The Goods

All these things can be in place, but if the products themselves don’t perform the way they are meant to, it is all for naught. If a company comes to the fore with clinical trials and case studies, instead of making unsubstantiated claims about their products, it is a good sign. Even better if they have already been doing business and have customers who are willing to testify to the excellence of their product line.
Direct marketing companies dedicated to anti-aging, skin care products can be an investor’s dream. Just be aware of what needs to be in place before that can really come to pass.