HomeUKChronomics Secures £1.12M in Funding

Chronomics Secures £1.12M in Funding


chronomicsChronomics, a Norwich, UK-based health-tech company, secured over £1.12m in funding.

Backers included Anthemis, SOSV, and Laurence Garrett, senior partner with Highland Europe.

The funding will enable the company to expand the business.

Co-founded in 2017 by Dr Tom Stubbs (CEO), Daniel Herranz, and Charles Ball, Chronomics has just launched its consumer epigenetic testing kit. Through an epigenetic saliva test, the system profiles specific lifestyle and environmental indicators to provide accurate insights into a person’s health – such as their biological age, metabolic status, and the impact of smoke exposure on the body.

Using the personalized test results, individuals are equipped with essential information about the enduring effects of environmental and lifestyle factors on their bodies. The test gives users more control over their health and well-being, helping them to take-action and enact positive change before the onset of longer-term health issues.

An annual test and life plan costs £699. It is available online at www.chronomics.com

