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STEM and Liberal Art Studies


Being a student requires you to make several important choices. One of them is to choose a good college to continue your education. What college will you choose? Which professions interest you? Get to know more about STEM and Liberal Art studies

Liberal Arts vs. STEM: What is the Best Option?

Choosing the right college and a major has never been easy. To make the right choice you have to take into account all your interests, skills, preferences, and dreams about a future career, of course. The variety of majors available is endless. For example, in such areas as liberal arts, healthcare, “Science, Technology, Engineering and Math” – better known to many as STEM. Let’s analyze and find pros and cons of STEM and art improvement, let’s have a glance and compare, BuyEssayFriend is a source when you can find writing help, writing a comparative essay and discuss some burning issues.


Speaking about liberal arts area, it covers majors as language arts, philosophy, and literature. It is the opposite of what STEM offers. In order to help you decide what is better for you, below the most popular majors in the liberal arts and STEM fields are provided.

Liberal Arts Majors

1. Liberal Arts\General Studies

This is probably one of the most popular liberal arts degrees. Many students each year apply for it. It is a good option for those who aren’t still sure what they want to do in their life after high school. General studies offer a great variety of related courses. However, if you would like to have some specialized career path, you may need some additional schooling.

2. Visual and Performing Arts

It is the best option for those who want to use their creativity at full to create some artistic works or pieces. After graduation, you can work in a museum, theater, art gallery, and just be an artist.

3. English Language and Literature

This major is for those who are fond of English language and literature and want to combine their whole life with it. Students can choose to become either teachers, editors, writers or whatever. The choice is great.

4. Foreign Languages and Linguistics

It is frequently chosen by a great number of people. Learning a foreign language and its culture is always interesting. In addition, it is extremely prestigious. Students studying in this area can become teachers, translators, editors, interpreters in their future.

STEM Majors

1. Biological and Biomedical Sciences

This area is extremely popular among students these days. The number of its graduates cannot be compared to graduates of any other STEM area. This field of studying is often associated with ecology, biology, microbiology etc. Those who are applying for Biological and Biomedical Sciences need to be ready for endless studying and researching.

2. Engineering

Mayors include mechanical, aerospace, civil and computer engineering. This field is also popular since it provides with the highest starting salary in all of the STEM areas.

3. Computer and Information Sciences

Mayors of this field are perfect for those who see themselves working in a computer-related sphere such as computer science, information systems, and networking. Due to technological growth, professionals from this field are highly appreciated.
When it is high time to choose between liberal arts and STEM, you have to rely on your preferences. If you see your future profession connected with public service, teaching, humanities – liberal arts degree is a choice. In case you want your future job to be more product focused and deeply connected with programming, networking, computer areas, STEM majors are for you. When you make a choice, take into account your dreams and skills. Then, your decision will be right!