Things have moved on a bit since the days of a paper card system for logging your start and finish times in the work place. However, I think we can all agree that managing staff working time can be rather a headache particularly if you have a multitude of staff working on flexible hours or in different locations.
Happy staff are good for business
It is widely recognised that happy employees are likely to be more productive, thereby potentially increasing company profits and less likely to go off sick or leave. And yet, if businesses are to recruit the best people, flexible working as far as possible has to be a consideration if they are not to miss out on recruiting the best talent. A recent survey identified that 46% of UK workers want to work more flexibly in order to achieve a better work-life balance. Continuing advancements in technology now mean that it’s possible to work with people from all over the world without leaving the comfort of your own home. There are clear economic and environmental gains to be made from offering flexible and remote working too in terms of reducing company carbon footprint and office running costs.
However, for this to work properly, clearly accountability with regard to time management is crucial.
Should you use a time management system?
Fortunately, technology is keeping up with this new way of working. Many businesses are now opting for a time management system which offers far more than just a timesheet for employees. A simple online time sheet and tracking app offers the quickest and simplest way of tracking employee hours. In turn, faster, more accurate time entry means more productive employees, more accurate budgets and invoices, and less paperwork.
Benefits of a time management system (TMS)
In addition to timekeeping, an effective time management system will enable you to do the following:
1. Capture time on the go, record expenses and receive reimbursements via an app.
2. Pre-programme the automated time sheet with project information to ensure staff are all in the loop.
3. Track meetings with clients and partners along with employee time via Google Calendar. This allows you to ensure accurate billing data for your team.
4. Record performance using the time tracking stopwatch which works on mobiles or a PC
5. Request and track time off- easily record time off, request vacation time, and track sick time through a simple employee dashboard. This allows personnel to automatically accrue time off, see available vacation hours, and ensure everyone knows what hours or days employees are out of the office.
Who uses a TMS?
Many agencies use a TMS to manage budgets and allocate staff to projects. Others report an increase in staff productivity by removing the need to input data manually into Excel spreadsheets. Support teams such IT and HR are also reaping the benefits. No wonder, a time management system has become an essential tool for modern working life.