If you decide to sell your website, the most important thing you can do is to take your time and not rush this delicate process. Whatever the reason behind this decision, keep in mind that there are more than enough people who’d want to buy your website.
Therefore, if you plan to sell your website, then you should take profitability increase into account as well. For this, you’ll have to raise the website’s market price and then prove that it is actively increasing in value, as well as generating more and more profit.
Even though there are different methods to increase the profitability of your website, we consider that the best is the one that implies using ad revenue. As some of you may know, if you rely on a variety of ad formats, such as the ones provided by (reputable) advertising networks like Admaven and others, you can easily achieve steady website revenue, thus increasing profitability!
Ads and Website Value
In short, the value of a website can be increased either quickly or in the long-term with the help of ad revenue. Naturally, there are a couple of secrets that can help you achieve such a thing.
For example, you may think that boosting your site traffic is the key to increasing your ad revenue. In fact, most experts recommend visitor segmentation – as it divides your traffic based on behavior in order to maximize the profit from every single one of the users that visit your website.
Ad Demand Sources
As you may know, a lot of websites use AdSense for ad monetization. You may also know that you can use more ad demand sources in order to boost your ad slots’ competition and, ultimately, increase the prices. If you add more sources, Google Ad Exchange, for example, will provide you with demand sources that will eventually increase the value of your ad slots.
Ethical Earnings
Obviously, you will have to increase the ad earnings of your website in an ethical manner, otherwise buyers won’t consider your website valuable.
When you are aiming for ethical ad revenue increase, you mainly have to diversify ad demand and approach a visitor segmentation strategy as well, as mentioned.
After all, a boosted ad revenue – ethically – comes from revenue per session, also known as total session earnings.
The Key Points
As such, the key is to not look at your ad revenue per page or per ad. If you take into account a certain page only, you will scale the overall earnings that a single user’s session brings you.
If you optimize your website and ad revenue on a per-page/per-ad basis, you may eventually affect your overall earnings in the long-term.
The Bottom Line
Naturally, increasing the sale price of your website through various ad revenue strategies is not an easy thing to do. You may have to look at entirely different metrics and maybe even change your entire ad revenue strategy.
However, if you want to drastically increase the value of your website and, in the end, get a good price for it, you have to keep the two things mentioned above in mind – namely, visitor segmentation and ad demand.
Of course, there are several more ways to increase the sale price of your website, but we think that everything begins with the two that have been mentioned!