Loewi GmbH, a Munich, Germany-based technology company that provides personalized health and nutrition solutions, raised a seed financing of undisclosed amount.
Backers included High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) and a German family office.
A scientific spin-off of the Technical University of Munich, Loewi is one of the technology leaders in the field of personalized nutrition and health and has been mainly active in competitive sports so far. Among clients are teams and clubs from Tour de France and UEFA Europa League.
Led by Adrian Kapsalis, founder and CEO, and Philipp Merk, responsible for product development, Loewi has developed a personalized nutrition solution with a digital health focus. Its patented concept collects health-relevant data of customers and patients through a blood test and an online anamnesis questionnaire, makes this data available via its Health Profile (Class I medical software) and, with the help of a personalization algorithm, creates a personalized nutrient combination that is tailored to the personal needs of each customer and patient. Loewi now considers more than 9,000 interactions with diseases, medications and allergies for its personalized recommendations.