HomeIsraelTeam8 Launches Team8 Capital

Team8 Launches Team8 Capital


Team8, a company-building venture group, launched Team8 Capital, a new venture capital vehicle leading investments in enterprise technology startups across various domains with a focus on data, AI and cybersecurity.

Team8 Capital will invest at Seed, A and B rounds of funding, expanding on Team8’s Foundry model that builds new companies from scratch. Backed by strategic investors including Walmart, Microsoft, Cisco, Barclays and Moody’s, among others, Team8 has pioneered a signature Foundry model of creating new technology companies by identifying big problems that companies face, ideating novel solutions to solve them and supporting startup progression to success.

Facilitating the Foundry, Team8 employs an in-house team of forty company-builders across its New York and Tel-Aviv headquarters, including domain experts, researchers, ideators, marketers, business developers and talent recruiters.

The group has also formed the ‘Team8 Village’, a community comprising hundreds of C-level executives from leading global corporates who undertake an active role in Team8’s company-building process, from identifying enterprise challenges to developing the solution thesis and contributing as design and business partners.

Team8 Capital leverages and extends these resources for developing its investment thesis and conducting due diligence of prospect investments. Specifically, the in-house technology research group supports technical due diligence and the in-house go-to-market group, alongside the Team8 Village, supports the market validation, providing critical insights for investment decisions. Its portfolio companies will benefit from hundreds of business opportunities created annually, alongside access to recruit R&D talent, alumni of Israel’s elite technology and intelligence units such as 8200, leveraging the background of Team8’s founders, including Nadav Zafrir, former Commander of 8200.

One of Israel’s leading investors, Sarit Firon joins Team8 as Managing Partner of Team8 Capital and will be joined by Managing Partner and Team8 co-founder, Liran Grinberg. Grinberg founded Team8 alongside Nadav Zafrir and Israel Grimberg in 2014.

