HomeSpainNeos Surgery Raises €5M in Funding

Neos Surgery Raises €5M in Funding


neos surgery

Neos Surgery, a Spanish company that researches, develops and markets implantable surgical devices for brain, spinal and cardiothoracic surgeries, closed a €5m funding round.

Backers included Avançsa and Jiadel Medical.

The company intends to use the funds to advance towards its next business milestones, including clinical validation of the new DISC care™ solution and the regulatory process to get international and EC certification backing its commercialization.

Led by Lluís Chico, managing partner, Neos Surgery currently has two devices on the market, Cranial LOOP™ and Cranial COVER™ to close craniotomy flaps without instruments. In 2021, the company expects to launch a new non-traumatic surgical closing device for cardiac surgery, and this year has begun a precommercial clinical study on DISC care™, a device that will help solve herniated lumbar disks.

Neos, which was founded by neurosurgeons and the Eurecat Technology Centre, in an alliance with Tecnalia and private investors, closed out 2019 with €1.5m in revenue, with sales in 12 countries in Europe, the United States, Latin America and Asia.

The company currently has offices at Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona) and San Sebastián.

