Since 2020, when Nick Pelling first used the term gamification, meaning applying game mechanics to specific activities to drive loyalty and engagement, the word itself has taken a life of its own.
These days, when attention spans are becoming alarmingly shorter, gamification comes as a solution that keeps brand experience fun and exciting. The business environment is just as excited about the results – which are pretty impressive, comparing to the performance of traditional marketing activities.
Thus, it comes as no surprise that gamification is now everyone’s lips. Loyalty management technology providers, such as Comarch (See more: https://www.comarch.com/trade-and-services/loyalty-marketing/loyalty-management/), are getting more and more creative at incorporating new, cutting-edge features that turn leaderboards into social grounds, allowing program members to interact with other players. The possibilities indeed are limitless. Just think of mobile devices (and apps) – being our everyday companions, they place gamification at our fingertips. Retail companies are aware that they can become a little addictive, hence their interest in exploring such possibilities. Adding the latest in-door navigation techniques and AI-powered personalization technologies to the mix, retailers are slowly turning their shops into tech-driven game fields. But that’s only to build stronger relations with their audiences.
There’s also another reason, and this one is about boosting employee morale. By using gamification internally, companies encourage their staff to know each other better and take part in company initiatives. Not to mention that it also increases their well-being, as well as work performance. Visiting a gamed up company, you have a feeling that they really are a strong unit. And it is a pleasure to work in such an environment.
To be successful, however, any gamification solution has to be well designed, produced and maintained. And though it should offer plenty of gaming experiences, it cannot impose its presence on users. Nobody likes to be forced to play a game. Therefore, it should be designed in a way as if it was customers’ idea to interact. Finding the right balance is critical. Only then can a game improve the engagement level of employees and clients.