JetSynthesys, a Pune, Maharashtra, India-based new age digital entertainment and technology company focused on global gaming, digital entertainment, and interest-based social community platforms, has announced the 100% acquisition of Pune, India based mobile game development studio Nautilus Mobile.
Nautilus Mobile is the creator of the Real Cricket™ franchise.
With this acquisition, JetSynthesys enhances its position as the #1 skill-based cricket gaming franchise in the world with 100 Mn+ downloads and a highly engaged community of over 10 Mn monthly active users (MAUs).
JetSynthesys is a new age digital entertainment and technology company with a portfolio of world class products, platforms, and services, aiming to touch the digital lives of billions of consumers in India and around the globe. Leveraging advanced capabilities in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, blockchain and AR/VR, JetSynthesys through its diversified business divisions spanning across gaming, wellness, fintech, music, digital & social entertainment currently serves millions of users globally and 100+ clients worldwide. The company is headquartered in Pune with offices in Japan, UK, EU, US and India.