HomeanalysisWhat Are The Top Industries That Hire Virtual Assistants?

What Are The Top Industries That Hire Virtual Assistants?


These days, virtual assistants are in high demand by entrepreneurs that need a helping hand. They undertake various tasks, such as answering phone calls, managing emails, hotel and flight booking, transcription, and so on.

Contrary to popular opinion, small and mid-sized businesses use virtual support, especially when it comes down to specific tasks, such as content writing. Every business can enhance the bottom line by using a virtual assistant. The question now is: What industry has the greatest need for virtual assistants? Almost all industries hire virtual assistants. If you’re curious to know which ones, please continue reading.

Information technology

The IT industry has been very busy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Professionals have been working around the clock installing systems, working with users, and making sure that the environment is safe and secure. Redundant tasks are delegated to a virtual assistant. It’s a good way to add some additional, high-quality bandwidth to the team. While the virtual assistant isn’t skilled at designing websites, they can create PDFs, graphics, slides, and so on. An increasing number of tech companies are using virtual assistants as secret weapons to propel their businesses towards success.


Law firms are required to handle a lot of paperwork. Anyone who has chosen the legal profession knows what it’s like to prepare documents from video or audio recordings, declutter paper files, reviewing contracts, and making copies for distribution. It’s important to keep matters running, but all this can drain your energy. According to the experts at Virtalent, it’s necessary to focus on the growing business. When legal practitioners delegate certain tasks, they become free to concentrate on higher-value activities and use their time more productively. A virtual assistant can produce vital
paperwork, maintain communications with clients, and keep a calendar. It can turn out to be a cost-saving measure.

Real estate

As we all know, the housing market has remained relatively busy during lockdown. And it’s expected that the trend will continue. Homebuyers are looking to get away from crowded urban centers, so real estate agents have their work cut out for them. Some realtors have put together teams of individuals to everything from making phone calls to creating Facebook ads. However, it’s not necessary to have a team. A virtual assistant can handle the day-to-day tasks that are weighing the agency down, such as data entry, cold calling, confirming property visits, listing property files, and so on.

To sum up, virtual assistants are capable of undertaking various tasks, which explains why so many industries hire them. Besides the above-mentioned, other industries that thrive with the help of virtual assistants are accounting and finance, marketing, education, and more. Virtual assistants are fast to respond, they learn quickly, not to say that they can adapt to the needs of the company. Hiring a virtual assistant could be the perfect solution. Multi-billion dollar businesses don’t shy away from outsourcing and neither should you. Integrate a virtual workforce into your ecosystem. It doesn’t matter what industry your company is in.