Mendelian, a London, UK-based digital health company building software tools to help doctors identify rare disease patients faster and diagnose them earlier, has been awarded over £1.4m.
The Artificial Intelligence in Health and Care Awards (AI Awards), run by the NHS AI Lab in partnership with the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) and the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC), provided the award.
Led by Chief Executive Officer Dr Peter Fish, Mendelian has developed the MendelScan software, an AI case-finding tool, which is currently implemented in over 50 NHS primary care practices across England, with the aim of optimising how patients with unrecognised or undiagnosed rare diseases are moved towards possible diagnoses on a large scale.
The company intends to use the funds to further develop and roll out its solution. The award will enable MendelScan to be further trialled within primary care electronic health records in GP practices across the UK and carry out real-world efficacy testing, aiming to build valid evidence of the software’s effectiveness and explore the potential for nationwide adoption across the health service.