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BARDA Funding: A Guide to Securing Grants for Medical Countermeasures


The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) is a crucial entity within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

BARDA plays a significant role in protecting public health by providing funding for the development and procurement of medical countermeasures. These countermeasures include vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics aimed at addressing public health emergencies.

Understanding BARDA funding opportunities

Securing BARDA funding can have a significant impact on medical research and development organizations. BARDA offers various funding opportunities designed to support innovative solutions that can mitigate health threats. 

Key BARDA funding mechanisms include:

  1. Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs)

BAAs are a primary method through which BARDA solicits proposals for research and development projects. These announcements provide a broad outline of the types of projects BARDA is interested in funding. To successfully respond to a BAA, you need to carefully review the announcement, align your proposal with BARDA’s objectives, and highlight the innovative aspects of your project.

  1. Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

RFPs are more specific than BAAs, and they detail specific projects or areas of interest for which BARDA seeks solutions. Responding to an RFP requires a thorough understanding of the problem statement, detailed project planning, and a clear demonstration of your capability to deliver the proposed solution. RFPs often have strict submission guidelines and timelines, so meticulous preparation is essential.

  1. Rapid Response Partnership Vehicle (RRPV)

The RRPV is a flexible funding mechanism that allows BARDA to quickly establish partnerships in response to emerging public health threats. This vehicle is particularly useful in urgent situations where time-sensitive solutions are required. If your organization has the capability to rapidly develop and deploy medical countermeasures, the RRPV could be an ideal funding opportunity.

Key Considerations for BARDA Grant Applications

When preparing a grant application for BARDA funding, consider the following factors to enhance your chances of success:

  • Align with BARDA’s mission and priorities.

Ensure that your proposal aligns with BARDA’s mission to develop and procure necessary medical countermeasures. Highlight how your project addresses public health emergencies and meets BARDA’s specific priorities.

  • Demonstrate innovation and feasibility.

BARDA seeks innovative solutions with the potential for significant impact. Clearly articulate the innovative aspects of your project and provide evidence of its feasibility. This can include preliminary data, proof-of-concept studies, and a well-defined development plan.

  • Engage with stakeholders.

Collaboration with relevant stakeholders can strengthen your proposal. Engage with educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and industry partners to build a comprehensive approach to addressing the public health threat. Demonstrating a diverse and collaborative team can enhance the credibility of your proposal.

  • Meet the submission requirements

Carefully review and comply with all submission requirements outlined in the BAA or RFP. Pay close attention to formatting guidelines, page limits, and required documentation. 

Post-Award Support and Compliance

Securing BARDA funding is just the beginning. Post-award support and compliance with federal regulations are crucial for the successful execution of your project. Consider the following aspects:

  1. Project Management

Effective project management is essential to meeting the milestones and deliverables outlined in your proposal. Establish a robust project management plan that includes timelines, resource allocation, and risk mitigation strategies.

  1. Financial Reporting

Compliance with financial reporting requirements is critical to maintaining transparency and accountability. Implement a robust financial management system to track expenditures, submit timely reports, and ensure adherence to budget guidelines.

  1. Regulatory Compliance

Ensure compliance with federal regulations throughout the project lifecycle. This includes adhering to ethical standards, obtaining necessary approvals, and maintaining accurate records. Engaging with regulatory experts can help navigate the complex regulatory landscape.


BARDA funding presents a valuable opportunity for organizations dedicated to developing medical countermeasures for public health emergencies. By understanding the various funding mechanisms, aligning with BARDA’s mission, demonstrating innovation, and complying with submission requirements, you can enhance your chances of securing BARDA grants. 

Post-award, focus on effective project management, financial reporting, and regulatory compliance to successfully execute your project and contribute to public health preparedness.

Leveraging BARDA funding can accelerate the development of critical medical solutions and help address pressing health threats. By strategically navigating the application process and adhering to best practices, your organization can make a significant impact on safeguarding public health.