Enigma, a cybersecurity platform focusing exclusively on Zero Trust, acquired Onclave Networks, a cybersecurity company focused on securing devices, services, and people across diverse environments.
The amount of the deal was not disclosed.
In acquiring Onclave, Enigma is able to secure devices, services, and people across diverse environments.
Led by CEO Jim Taylor, Onclave Networks is a cybersecurity leader focused on securing devices, services, and people across diverse environments. It specializes in protecting both modern and legacy Operational Technology (OT) and IoT/IIoT devices. Onclave reduces attack surfaces, security breaches, network complexity, and operational costs. By leveraging Zero Trust principles and cryptographic microsegmentation—proven methods used by the U.S. Department of Defense—Onclave safeguards vulnerable endpoints across all sectors, whether on-premises or in the cloud. As leverages Zero Trust principles and proven methods used by the U.S. Department of Defense to reduce security breaches, decreasing attack surfaces, network complexity, and operational costs.
Enigma is portfolio company of cybersecurity private equity specialist Option3.