Homebusiness tipsIaaS, PaaS, And Saas - What Are They And When Are They...

IaaS, PaaS, And Saas – What Are They And When Are They Needed?



The popularity of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS solutions is increasing every day, and their choice depends on the specific needs of the business and the level of control that is required.

IaaS is suitable for those who want maximum control over their infrastructure, PaaS is for developers who need to speed up the development process, and SaaS is for end users who need quick and easy access to applications. What exactly does modern business need? Having a clear understanding of the difference between the main models for providing cloud services, as well as studying IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS application development guide, you will be able to understand the business needs for cloud services.

What Is SaaS?

Software as a service (SaaS) is a completely ready-made, pre-configured software product. This is the most common and familiar option for cloud systems to users. This is exactly how email services, Google Docs, popular CRMs, task schedulers, blog platforms, and most other Internet resources that offer users certain applications work. The main advantage of SaaS is that the user can concentrate entirely on using the functions he needs, without being distracted by the technical part. The service provider undertakes:

  • Basic settings;
  • Regular updates;
  • Search for suitable hardware;
  • Ensuring service availability;
  • Backup, etc.

In addition, the user receives prompt and accessible technical support for any questions.

As a rule, SaaS applications are distributed according to a subscription fee model for a certain period – a month or a year. In some cases, a freemium model is used: limited functionality of the solution is available for free, but a fee is charged for full access to all its capabilities. Perpetual licenses with unlimited technical support in the cloud products segment are the exception rather than the rule.

Many Saas products offer clients ample opportunities to customize the solution to suit the needs of the company – for example, interface branding. Users can add their own logo, choose a corporate color scheme, etc. Ultimately, a properly configured SaaS becomes a permanent and essential tool for the company’s daily operations.

SaaS products provide users with the following benefits:

  • Saving money and time to launch the solution: everything is already ready, no need to purchase equipment, prepare infrastructure, etc.;
  • Simplified maintenance: the service provider is responsible for the performance of the product/system;
  • Regular updates: the supplier offering this or that cloud solution is constantly working on its development;
  • Easy scaling;

As for the disadvantages, the key one is storing important data on third party servers. Whichever cloud you choose, the provider will always have technical access to all your information. In most cases, service providers act in good faith, but it is necessary to remember this factor.

What Is IaaS?

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a more general model that focuses not on software products but on the hardware required to run them. Let’s say you need servers for a database, email, and file storage. In the usual model of actions, you create your own server room. The following steps should be taken:

  • Select a room;
  • Equip it appropriately: cooling, power, etc.;
  • Purchase server hardware;
  • Install it and configure it.

All this is quite expensive and labor-intensive. IaaS offers an alternative: you simply rent everything you need from a company for which IT infrastructure development is its core specialty. This approach is fast, convenient, and profitable.

Examples of using IaaS in practice:

  • Creation of a virtual data center (especially relevant if there is a need to quickly launch a new business with minimal costs);
  • Expansion of existing infrastructure for a short period of increased demand (for example, if a company expects an influx of customers to its online store and needs additional capacity);
  • Testing new products/processes that are not yet ready for implementation on the company’s main servers.

What Is PaaS?

In the case of PaaS (Platform as a Service), the user rents not just the hardware he needs, but tools already adapted to perform a specific task. It can be:

  • Database management system;
  • The platform for working with Big Data;
  • Machine learning complex, etc.

It is enough to slightly configure the cloud platform for specific needs, and the user can use it. Choosing the optimal hardware configuration, low-level settings, scaling, and security – all these are the concerns of the service provider, which saves the business from wasting time and money.

Examples of using PaaS in practice:

  • Transferring a DBMS (database management system) to the cloud;
  • Development of new applications in containers: each component is located in a separate virtual box, which opens up wide opportunities for the company to quickly scale loads;
  • Machine learning – for example, facial recognition using a database of employee photographs.

Other Types of Cloud Services

There are other types of cloud solutions besides those listed. They are not as popular, but still have their users:

  • DaaS (Desktop as a Service): virtual stations hosted in the cloud, on which all the software necessary for work is installed;
  • MSaaS (Managed Software as a Service): SaaS with a large number of settings and opportunities to adapt the application to the company’s individual business processes;
  • MBaaS (Mobile Backend as a Service): unified means of connecting mobile and web applications to cloud server services;
  • ITMaaS (Information Technology Management as a Service): a package of applications that provides control over the company’s information infrastructure.

New formats of cloud solutions appear regularly, and this is the best evidence that the cloud model for distributing services and products has become popular in IT. The development of new SaaS, IaaS, and DaaS applications is more relevant than ever.

Final Thoughts

The benefits of IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS solutions in the modern world are great. Each solution has its own advantages and challenges, and if you want to enter the market with your own cloud solution, for example, SaaS, then it is important to conduct thorough market research, assess the needs of the target audience, your resources, and find a reliable SaaS app development services provider. Digiteum is an experienced company that can guide you into the world of cloud solutions that effectively solve user needs. In addition to services in the development of cloud solutions, the company specializes in providing services for the creation of web and mobile applications, UI/UX design, MVP products, etc.