HomeUKVert Rotors Receives Support Grant from Scottish Enterprise

Vert Rotors Receives Support Grant from Scottish Enterprise


CRC.04.H_2015.11.25 Vert Rotors,  an Edinburgh, Scotland, UK-based manufacturer of small industrial compressors, received a £46k Regional Selective Assistance (RSA) support grant from Scottish Enterprise.

The company intends to use the funds to ramp up production, increasing its manufacturing productivity four-fold, and drive sales internationally.


Founded in 2013 and led by Olly Dmitriev, CEO, Vert Rotors produces a small screw compressor with a conical rotary design designed for aerospace, medical and other applications where vibration and noise are not acceptable, and dimensions and weight are mission-critical. The company, which has also revealed the installation of ultra-precision machinery for the production of the micro compressors, has three-quarters of customers based outside the UK including Fortune 500 manufacturers in the European Union and the United States.

