Essay is a kind of writing that is considered very important as it’s usually used as a parameter to calculate someone’s brilliance. Many of us get tangled up when it comes to write an essay but it’s actually very simple.
It is defined as a literary composition in which we give our point of view or interpretation on a particular theme; humorous, philosophical, social, research etc.
1. When it comes to start writing an essay, we have to remember everything we know about a certain topic and start giving our point of view.
2. It is good to read in a work attitude, that is, we must do a deep study to support what is going to be written.
3. The underlining is done by locating the main ideas of the author; is what is commonly called summary, which will serve to substantiate the essay with texts or phrases to the letter, between quotation marks.
4. The analysis: it consists in the classification of the information, in ordering it, to understand it and to interpret it.
5. Synthesis: it is the most important step, since it consists in knowing how to express the ideas of the authors through the words (and sentences of course). Having the concept or the idea is the goal of this moment and knowing how to express it orally or in writing using your own style is another important goal.
6. The comment: it is a personal contribution, accompanied by reflections, criticisms, comments and proposals.
7. According to its structure, the test must be presented in a certain order:
Introduction: is the one that expresses the subject and the objective of the essay; explains the content and the sub-themes or chapters it covers, as well as the criteria applied in the text, is 10% of the essay and covers more or less half sheet.
Development of the theme contains the exposition and analysis of the same, the own ideas are raised and are supported with information of the necessary sources: books, magazines, internet, interviews and others. It constitutes 80% of the test; covers more or less than 4 to 5 pages. In it goes the whole developed theme, using the internal structure: 60% of synthesis, 20% of summary and 20% of commentary.
In the section Conclusions, the author expresses his own ideas on the subject, allows giving some suggestions of solution, to close the ideas that were worked in the development of the subject and to propose lines of analysis for later writings. Bibliography, at the end is written the references of the sources consulted used to gather information and to support the ideas or criticisms; these sources can be books, magazines, internet, interviews, television programs, videos, etc.
Hiring a third party is also considered as a smart step to get quality essay. Every person can easily find essay writing service on Internet by typing a few words only. However, the selection (of the service) should be done carefully, considering all opinions that come in.