Ridgemont Equity Partners, a Charlotte-based middle market buyout and growth equity investor, closed Ridgemont Equity Partners Energy Opportunity Fund, L.P., with $320m in commitments.
Brooklands Capital Strategies served as the fundraising advisor for the EOF.
The EOF is a companion fund to Ridgemont’s $995m flagship fund, Ridgemont Equity Partners II, L.P., and together invests in the firm’s energy sector investments.
The firm typically makes equity commitments of $50-200 million in support of management teams pursuing opportunities across the spectrum of upstream, midstream and energy and power related services.
Since 1993, the principals of Ridgemont have invested over $4.0 billion in 141 companies.
The firm’s team includes Rob Edwards, Travis Hain, Donny Harrison, George Morgan, Scott Poole, Walker Poole, Jack Purcell, Trey Sheridan and John Shimp.