There is a lot of talk these days about the fact that formal education is no longer needed to succeed these days.
Examples are given by people who study on their own, master everything in online courses or short programs and in practice, make millions on TikTok, Instagram and other social and streaming networks. In fact, formal education is now, on the contrary, needed more than ever. Among so many people who study on their own, an expert with a good educational background, especially a practical background like an MBA, is a huge plus and a very big rarity. Therefore, administrative and executors as they wanted to receive this education, and so they will want to. Therefore, in this article, we want to tell you how to enroll in a good MBA program.
Don’t Rely on Big Names in Your Portfolio
Once upon a time, when applying for an MBA program, it was important to show some cool names. For example, Ivy League school or work in a company with a worldwide reputation. Now such name-dropping is considered unnecessary and not relevant. Of course, there is no need to hide if you studied at a good school or worked in a cool company, but this is far from the most significant thing that the admission committee members will look at. Now the focus is not on the function, but on the person, on his motivation, interests, on his real experience. When writing an essay for an MBA, don’t use such cool names. Focus more on your experience.
Pay Attention to GMAT Scores
When we say pay attention, concentrate, this does not mean that if you get an incredible GMAT conditional score of 740, you will immediately be accepted into the MBA program. But before you start filling out admission letters, writing essays, take the GMAT first, because this is one of the first screening criteria by which you will be assessed. Therefore, it makes sense to invest first in order to pass it well enough and only then do everything else. This also shows that you can’t just take and sign up for an MBA program right off the bat, you need to plan it optimally a year before admission. Then you will have time to prepare all the documents, pass all the tests and although it may still be difficult to enter the program, you will approach this issue without too much stress and with the best possible package of documents prepared.
Don’t be Too Obsessed with all the Community Work
The mention of community service and volunteering is important, but it does not decide, rather, it should talk about one part of your personality, about some trait, about some of your interest, about what causes you really want to help, and it reveals you as important. But you don’t need to volunteer for several years in all the centers around just to write it into an MBA essay and application. On the contrary, one can very easily overdo it. At a minimum, it may seem that you are insincere, and you simply collect a resume for yourself. Feel free to write about simple hobbies that you do for yourself and not for others. We are all living people, and if your hobby is baking buns or bird watching but not building houses for the homeless, then honestly write so. Now sincerity and integrity are in vogue.
Delegate Parts of Application Process you can’t Handle
It can be seen that if you apply for such a program, your To Do-list is already filled to the limit. Most MBA students say that they had to change the schedule quite a lot, not only while studying on the program, but even before the start of the program itself. Therefore, we advise you to realistically assess your capabilities, realistically assess the time that you have and, if necessary, delegate writing an admission essay to special services or hire someone to help you with filling out an application for admission to the MBA program. None of us was born and didn’t even train as a professional writer. There are experts working at a reliable cheap essay writing service who do it all the time and help many students all over the world with this part of the assignment. Of course, the most important thing is your personal touch and use any help only as a basis for your own work. No one knows you better than yourself, but in technical questions regarding filling out questionnaires, for example, the help of experienced specialists can be useful so that you can save time on preparing the essay itself.
Make your Application Relevant to Each School
You will most likely be applying to multiple MBA schools for multiple MBA programs. In general, this is the right choice, because every year they have different criteria, they are looking for people with different experiences, and you never know in advance what kind of experience and what kind of people this particular program lacks. It is important not to apply to too many schools, because then you will not be able to customize your applications in any way, and you may fail everywhere. We advise you to choose a maximum of eight programs and break them into groups of two according to their main characteristics, according to what the programs are aimed at and, accordingly, write at least 4 custom essays and application forms for them. This individual approach will help you get the attention of the members of the application committee. Try to ensure that your essay, even if you meet all the requirements for the presentation of the material and for design, does not look like a template and can attract your attention so that a place in the MBA program is given to you.
We hope this article helps you to properly prepare for applying to the MBA program, keep it for yourself for the future, and if you decide to apply for the program, then start preparing right now, do not waste time.