Social Game Network GamePix Goes to Helsinki


Having fun is a serious task“. This is what pushes Edouard, Justine and Valerio to grow GamePix, a startup that is creating a web social game network.

They have just launched an open platform that allows players to conquer the world through a fully-customizable avatar, who can play thousands of different games to increase skills, and enables independent developers to publish and earn money from their games.

Players can control territories, based on maps of the planet divided in millions of pixel, corresponding to all the places to conquer. In the near future, companies will be able to use these pixels as a geo-located marketing tool, allowing customers to earn rewards and keep them up to date on promotions and new stores.

Based in Rome and incubated in EnLabs, GamePix is now taking off. They have just signed a partnership with Mangatar, a venture-backed startup that creates social games in the manga universe, to play Mangatar’s Dengen Chronicles directly on its platform. In addition, the startup received a grant from Appcampus, a funding and coaching program to develop Windows Phone apps supported by Nokia, Microsoft and Aalto University of Helsinki.
And finally, the team landed in the same Finnish capital to be part of AppCademy, a four-week intensive acceleration camp dedicated to promising teams already selected by Appcampus.

Valerio Pullano (CMO), who leads the company with Edouard  Wawra (CEO and CTO) and Justin Silipo (CFO), also told me that they are in talks with investors and hope to close their seed round soon. I’ll be waiting to cover it.

