Cherry Ventures Closes Second Fund, at €150M


cherry-venturesCherry Ventures, a Berlin, Germany-based early stage venture capital firm, closed its second fund, at €150m.

Backed by Franz Haniel & Cie GmbH, ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, and the European Investment Fund, Cherry Ventures II will continue the firm’s strategy of investing €700k to €1.5m in the seed stage of each startup.
The firm also adds value via advice about strategic issues, day-to-day management tasks, providing access to a network for recruitment of key positions, coaching entrepreneurs in people, project and line management, connecting founders with key external partners especially in marketing, operations and IT, supporting them in preparing and running investor pitches as well as structuring future deals (cash-for-equity, media-for-equity, etc.).

Led by Filip Dames, Daniel P. Glasner, and Christian Meermann, the firm has invested in over 30 startups. The portfolio include Watchmaster, Save, Saveo, Lenda, Kitchen Stories, Quandoo, Caroobi, Farmalisto, Lesara, etc.

